In Ground Pools or Above Ground Pools – Same Question
You love your outdoor pool, but hate the way your kids come out the water with red, itchy eyes and having the heavy smell of chlorine on their skin. The chlorine pool is doing more than killing off the algae. It is also damaging their hair and swimsuits as everyone feels the need to take a shower after taking a swim.
You’ve been wondering if there is an alternative to a chlorine pool and have heard about saline pools. Will salt kill the bacteria to stop algae as well as chlorine? is it safer for your kids so they don’t have irritated eyes and skin? How hard is it to maintain a saline pool?
Saline pools have been on the market for awhile, and it’s been debated on whether they are better than chlorine. Find out as much information as you can concerning saline pools, the amount of maintenance you need to place into the pool and the costs to build or convert your pool to one that uses salt.
What Is The Difference Between using Salt Versus Chlorine?
Not much accept for the amount and the method of application to your pool. Technically, salt dissolves into chlorine, or rather chlorine gas, which mixes into the water to tackle the bacteria. So there is still chlorine in your pool. The difference is the amount of chlorine in the water.
For a saltwater chlorinator system, electrolysis breaks down the salt to release chlorine gas. As the chlorine gas mixes with the water, it creates the liquid type of chlorine throughout the pool.
For a chlorine pool, tablets are manually added through either through the pump or in a floating device in the water. The chlorine dissolves directly into the pool.
Both types of pools need maintenance to inspect the level of pH in the water, although saltwater chlorinator systems don’t require you to physically add chemicals or chlorine like regular chlorine pools. You will also have to adjust the amount of chlorine or salt in the water when back-washing the pool, when rainwater is added into the pool or when filling up the pool with more water due to water loss.
How Chlorine And Salt Effects Swimmers
Chlorine, and the added chemicals to adjust the pH balance, can be extremely irritating to the skin and eyes. It damages the fiber material in swimsuits and creates a smell when killing the contaminants in the water. Salt does not create any skin or eye irritants, and is softer on the skin. It also doesn’t create a strong smell.
While chlorine pools require more maintenance than salt pools, salt can be corrosive on equipment. It also costs large amounts or cash to build a new saline pool or convert your existing pool to use salt.
When deciding on a chlorine or saline pool, keep in mind your budget and how much time you have to put into maintaining your pool. Also take into consideration your family’s health before making a decision.